The Berry Men’s Shed is one of over 900 Men’s Sheds In Australia. Berry was one of the first to be set up in 2005.
The Berry Men’s Shed is special in that it teaches skills to its members (both male and female) benefiting both the individual and the community. Members gain a sense of identity and self worth.
We currently have 65 members and this is growing as more members of the community become aware of the work and social activities that occur at our Shed. New members welcome.
The Town Crier is a community newspaper produced monthly by The Berry Alliance; our current circulation is 2200 copies distributed around Berry and its outer lying areas....
Art exhibitions by local artists, art and craft classes. Gallery open to the public on weekends. Art space also available to hire. ...
Chairman: Steve Ford
The Shed operates on Tuesday and Thursday
0413 155 576